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Build Incoming Links to Your Website

2:06 PM | , , ,

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My Second Step to Earn Money On Line

2:51 PM | , , , , ,

My Second Step to Earn Money On Line

Hi there folks :)

In my second step i will try to find a better template, one that suites better to my Blog.
I want something with four lateral spots to sell 125x125 (i guess its this the size, that small square).
I need one or two spots in head bar to put my best Affiliates :)
I want some social Bookmarking Buttons with  sites like Digg, Technorati, Reddit,Stumbleupon ,and Twitter and more two or three buttons.
The rest i will think later.
I am going to submit my blog to some directories, and spread my first post at some forums, at my twitter account, and for sure i am going to submit to those i post above because in my opinion if you get the "luck" to get one of your post on their homepage on in the favourites that will increase not only your traffic but maybe you will get some subscribers,that will like and appreciate your content.
T hats a lot of advantages if you get some authority in one of this websites.
So if you are new in this roads of earn money blogging i really advice you to register in that socials websites.
Digg, Technorati, Reddit,Stumbleupon

If you dont have a Twitter account create one, and why not a Facebook page??
I am going to create one specially  for this blog.
Repair that i am always linking to those websites,and do this because i believe this will help me increase my page rank.(I will write about this in my next posts)

Oh yea and before a forget i am going to "install" the Alexa  rank button in my blog, later i explain you why its so important to be very good ranking in Alexa,beside the part they have a huge importance when you want to sell any Blog or Website.
People i have so many ideas and so many issues to talk about, but time its too short.
I will try to make all this things till the next week.

Dont Forget


Note: Be aware that when you change your templates, you will have to change and configure many things.(except if it s that one pre defined from blogger).

People have a nice week, share your experiences. :) Be good persons hehehe

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First Step to Earn Money

11:04 AM | , , , , , ,

First Step to Earn Money

First of all am not any pro in making money or easy money or even better fast money.
I have some years of experience, i made lots of mistakes, but also i learn a lot.
My first website was a celebrities gossip site, and it was really easy to get a nice traffic.
After two months i had it between 50 and 100 visitors per day,just unique content,of course i researched in similar sites to mine what were the gossips of the day, and then i made my own interpretation and start to writing.
Very well, not to much clicks, some page views, i was getting disappointed,i expected to earn something about $50 dollars for month from Adsense.
I was getting about 0.2 cents 0.3 cents for click OMG.
What i was doing wrong???
I thought to myself hummm this need traffic, more traffic more clicks more money.
Two days later a bomb explodes for celebrities niche.
Rihanna naked pictures appears in the web, and i was fast to publish them, of course i wasn`t the first one to publish, but i was really fast and in that day my traffic increase to 5000 visitors, and i got in that day something like $22 dollars or $23.
I went like, oh yea baby that's what i like :)
Next day i had about 3800 visitors,then 2000,and so on and on, till my traffic stays again in 3 digits 100 visitors maximum for day.
Now i know that my website was in a god way 90% traffic from USA, that's what i wanted,few clicks,increasing visitors every days, many backlinks from sites like Digg, Technorati, Reddit,Stumbleupon, and others.
But i started to post almost only pictures without content,things like "Kim Kardashian Cleavage Pics" or
"Paris Hilton Tape revealed" . I started to post things that have been passed years ago.
I really increase my traffic to 250 visitors 400 visitors a day, but i couldn't make more money than i used to do before.
I change from Adsense to BlacklabelsAds and things were the same.
All this to say like you read in many other money maker bloggers that content its everything.
If you can provide original content, with quality people will spread the word about an article a tip or god advice you post on your blog.
With original,unique and quality content you will start to gain some backlinks from other websites,they(bloggers) will re-post on their blogs or websites your article or your posts.
If you write nice content helping the others you will receive comments,thing that in my other blog i didn't have anyone, because people just entering my website saw the pictures and bye bye.
And belive me its really nice to have someone  leaving some comment, a word to keep the good work,or just to make a fair and constructive critic.
With this i dont want you to think that traffic it isnt necessary.
Sure traffic its very important but you need traffic that will appreciate your work and not people who lands in your pages for being induce in error by the titles you make or by traffic that its send to you by some sly website with traffic exchange.
Yes i know Because i already made it too, and believe me that didn't work.

SO The First Step to Earn Some Money Its:

Original And Unique And Quality Content

For those who are starting maybe this words wont be saying Nothing, didn't mean nothing to me too in those times.
Bur i am pretty sure with time they will remember this Post.

Final Note: 
Hope to see some comments, some opinions, but above all i expect to enjoy this blog.

Ps: its a tribute to person from who i learn a lot, some of you may know him.

Cya Mates

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